Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How to make your own Laundry detergent using doTERRA oils

I saw this segment yesterday on Fox and had to put it on here for anyone that would like to know how to make their own laundry detergent and toothpaste. Pretty cool stuff. Seems less expensive and more natural without the toxins in most detergents. I am looking forward to trying this.

How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Green Cleaning with Essential Oils

Did you know you can also use doTERRA oils to clean. We have loved to make our own cleaner and use that around the house. If you breathe it in or it gets on your hands it will make you healthier instead of introduce toxins that will damage your health. Here are some of the ideas from the doTERRA blog site. My favorite is adding lemon to water or to another all natural cleaner, but I still have yet to try these.

All-Purpose Cleaner

2 c. vinegar
2 c. distilled water
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
Tip: Shake well before each use.
Mirror or Window Cleaner
1 1/2 c. vinegar
1/2 c. purified or distilled water
8 drops ANY Citrus Essential Oil of choice
Shake well before use.
Mold and Mildew Cleaner
Pour 2 c. distilled white vinegar into a spray bottle. (OR combine one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts water).
Add 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil and 2 drops Melaleuca Essential Oil
Shake well and spray on area. Leave on area for half an hour, then rinse.

Wellness Occurs at a Cellular Level by Dr Hill

I came across this brochure and thought I would post it for further information. It represents the daily, monthly, and quarterly regime as suggested by Dr. David Hill, doTERRA founder and chief medical officer.

Click to enlarge

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bee or Wasp Sting

The other day we were at a friends house and a kid that was playing there had been stung twice by a wasp. His little hand was starting to swell. I offered to put some lavender on it and we tried it. Within a few minutes the pain was reduced enough that the kid was back to playing instead of holding his hand. When we looked at it the swelling had also decreased. Lavender is such a good oil to have on hand just in case you get a bee sting, other kind of insect bite, burn, etc....

Rash, Wounds, Sore throats, Ear Infections,

I got a call from a friend the other day that was given some samples. He wanted to let me know that they had helped and that he would be getting some oils from me soon enough. This kind of a call or email is becoming an almost everyday occurrence.

It is a great feeling to know you shared something with them and it helped them and their family. He told me that he had a rash or sorts on his leg that he visited the doctor for and that is was not going away. He used the Melaleuca essential oil on it and it cleared up in no time.

My sister had a road rash from falling off of her scooter and had a similar experience using Melaleuca essential oil coupled with the lavender essential oil. The Melaleuca oil disinfected and helped it heal and the lavender oil helped take away the pain and itchiness that usually comes when a wound is healing.

My other sister called a week or two ago and asked if there was an oil that was good for ear infections. I told her to look in her A to Z guide. Where it says to put Melaleuca on a cotton ball and place near the ear. She told me this really helped the ear infection go away on her daughter and within a day or two she was better. Much easier than getting antibiotics and much less expensive.

My friend also told me that his wife was getting a sore throat and tried using the OnGuard essential oil and it helped it go away and prevent it from returning. I have had this happen a few times. I especially love the throat lozenges that help if you feel any dryness or soreness in the throat. I have been feeling like something is coming on recently and so I have been swallowing a capsule of 10-12 drops of OnGuard.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Calming Blend Essential oil is my favorite

I have been trying these oils for tons of things over the last month or so and the Calming Blend is for sure my favorite. I love the way it smells. I bring it to bed and when I want to goto sleep if I am still kinda awake I put some on my feet. Every time I do I fall right to sleep within minutes. I can usually not remember what I did next other than turn off the light. No more nights staying up late for no reason and regretting it the next day. I also loved taking this oil with me camping. Sometimes its tough to get a good sleep when you camp, but this oil totally helped me through camping this summer over and over. Just love it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Deep Blue experiences keep coming

This last weekend I did my first Olympic triathlon. I was pretty prepared so after the triathlon, which was awesome by the way, I was not very sore. I did put some deep blue on my muscles afterwards and the rest of the day I had little to no pain. The next day I had a little hip pain for some reason. I put some deep blue on my hip and within seconds the pain was gone! This stuff is simply amazing.

My mother in law was in town this weekend and she had some pain in her calf muscle that she was having for a few days. She applied the deep blue blend and the pain stopped almost immediately and it never returned. Who would not want this little bottle in their cupboard?