Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Convention day 2 workshops

Jacob's Convention Recap part 2

The second day of the Convention is dedicated to workshops. You can choose if you want to learn about the business, the company, products, certain health concerns etc... It is a little crazy because if you do not make it to the workshop you want fast enough the room fills up and then you have to find another workshop to watch...like Chemistry 101 with Robert Pappas. (ugh)

Before the workshops there was an amazing speaker named Natalyn Lewis. She did  a great job. These are two of her slides I really liked. She told about a story of how she wanted to help a family that last their mother and wife. They wanted to paint one of the rooms. The house was a mess, but they decided to do it anyway. People kept hearing about it and knocking on the door while they were there unknown to the family. In the end the entire home was redone with carpet, paint, furniture, bathroom, etc.. Everything was new! The bald guy in a leather jacket got mad when Natalyn told him thanks for all he did. He told her, this is all because of your idea and your first steps. Our ideas and first steps can really change the world. Others will see and join the cause.

David Stirling said this quote (above) is on all the founding execs desks.

I chose to first attend the class about how to use the oils with pregnancy, birth, and babies. The woman that taught is named Stephanie Fritz and I recommend you buy her book on Amazon.

Here are some of her slides. This is only some of the info, there is much more in her book.

What I learned from someone else that attended the Essential Oil Chemistry 101 class with Dr Robert Pappas is that citrus oils last only about a year, but woody ones get better the older they are. Also you can microwave oils and they are not affected.

I attended a workshop after lunch with Patrick Sedivy and Brady Thurgood about effecting recruiting and lead generation.  They recommended multiple exposures for people to learn about doTERRA. Some ideas are to give them an A-Z guide with some samples, have them listen to a recorded call (951-262-3794 ext 89), give them a doTERRA living Magazine, give them the Miracle book, then invite them to a class with the empower kit script. Use your upline always to help get the order.

They taught to always ask for referrals. Who do you know that...

  1. is interested in natural medicine
  2. has (insert an ailment)
  3. could benefit with some additional income
  4. wants to help people take control of their health?
Always look for opportunities to meet new people. Open your mouth, be fun, use the products in public.

The next class I went to was Boyd Truman's Detox and Restore class. It was packed with information. The first point was the ENZYMES are required by every living cell and every function. We need to have healthy enzymes. We have much less today than when we were born and we are meant to get them from plants everyday, but we do not. At age 70 we have 100 times less than when we were born.

Their family uses oils everyday in every way.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is when the nerve endings need enzymes.

Kids need it too. Kids with skin rash have had it go away in only 7 days taking the Terrazyme. I take it everyday. What I didnt know is that I should also take it on an empty stomach occasionally.

Some have a fatty liver from fatty foods, glucose, meds, alcohol. Psoriasis and other skin disorders are your body's way of telling you something is wrong on the inside.  The Zendocrine blend is a must for everyone to make sure the liver and kidneys function as they should. A man in the room stood up and told us that he is the highest functioning patient at the University of Utah Medical Center that has PSC. He used frankincense and geranium and avoided surgery and his stints fell out.

Issues with Candida, yeast, fungus should take GX Assist, but start small. It is a strong product. Laura Jacobs talks more about this in her video.

Brianne Hovey taught a class about what to make sure people do in their first 7 days.

  1. Purchase Products (from sponsor) and Tools (my oil business.com)
  2. Make a list
  3. Give out 30-50 samples in first 30 days and follow up in 2 days to make sure they used it and to find out how their results were. 
  4. Schedule a class
  5. Watch getting started, medicine cabinet, and empower videos on www.reinventhealthcareinfo.com
  6. Commit
  7. Set goals with upline
  8. Set up 3 way calls
  9. Talk with upline 1-5x a week
If someone does this they will become Elite. 

Brianne also said that in first 60 days they should do the following
  1. Hold 1-2 classes/wk
  2. Follow up with samples passed out
  3. Teach getting started to new people in their first week
  4. 4 Class Rule - They start their own class by the 4th one.
  5. Watch at least 2 new product/business webinars/week
  6. Define road blocks
  7. Set Goals
  8. Upline calls and 3 way calls
  9. Be prepared with oils that you can pass out at any given time
The last class I attended was about international business with Greg Cook and David Hsiung. Greg talked about the 3 stages in doing business in international markets. 
  1. Global Access (set them up as a US IPC and ship them their products ourselves)
  2. NFR (Not for resale - Guatemala, Costa Rica, EU, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tahiti)
  3. OTG (On the ground) - US, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia

David had some really insightful and funny things to say. Mostly what not to do if you are trying to open a new country. This were his slides. 

All in all it was a great day and I have heard very good things about all the other classes from others. Many told me about the class about hormones that was taught by Laura Jacobs and Jon Chase. I also heard from many about the class on Living with Vitality from Dr Tory Parker. This is a valuable resource and benefit to coming to Convention.

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