Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Rash, Wounds, Sore throats, Ear Infections,

I got a call from a friend the other day that was given some samples. He wanted to let me know that they had helped and that he would be getting some oils from me soon enough. This kind of a call or email is becoming an almost everyday occurrence.

It is a great feeling to know you shared something with them and it helped them and their family. He told me that he had a rash or sorts on his leg that he visited the doctor for and that is was not going away. He used the Melaleuca essential oil on it and it cleared up in no time.

My sister had a road rash from falling off of her scooter and had a similar experience using Melaleuca essential oil coupled with the lavender essential oil. The Melaleuca oil disinfected and helped it heal and the lavender oil helped take away the pain and itchiness that usually comes when a wound is healing.

My other sister called a week or two ago and asked if there was an oil that was good for ear infections. I told her to look in her A to Z guide. Where it says to put Melaleuca on a cotton ball and place near the ear. She told me this really helped the ear infection go away on her daughter and within a day or two she was better. Much easier than getting antibiotics and much less expensive.

My friend also told me that his wife was getting a sore throat and tried using the OnGuard essential oil and it helped it go away and prevent it from returning. I have had this happen a few times. I especially love the throat lozenges that help if you feel any dryness or soreness in the throat. I have been feeling like something is coming on recently and so I have been swallowing a capsule of 10-12 drops of OnGuard.

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