Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last day of Convention

Last day of Convention

The last day of convention started off with guest speaker Kyle Maynard. What an inspirational story.  He was born without arms and legs and became a champion wrestler and motivational speaker. He climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa by crawling to the top. He has a book called No Excuses. His first year of wrestling he lost every game and did not like it. His dad talked him into doing it his second year and that is when he starting winning matches. He urged us to find our why and go for it. "Not dead; cant quit" was one of the things he thought while climbing Kilimanjaro. He ended by challenging us to engage and have no excuses.

After Kyle Maynard they had the slim and sassy weight loss competition winners come out. One was Daren Gates who lost 50 lbs and 23.75 inches. The winners used slim and sassy every day and used the trim shakes everyday. Amazing stories.

The healing hands foundation is focused on helping give people a hand up and not a hand out. They have partnered with Mentors International in helping give micro loans to people in Piura Peru. See the video below.

Greg Cook spoke of how they received a hand up when the founders had to mortgage their homes to start the company and risk everything. They have since paid back all their debt from starting up but they could not have done it without the help of the starting loan. Greg reminds us all to give while we are building a business.

Corey Lindley then came out to give this years Elevation Award to Wesley Green. A young man that was in a terrible accident that should have left him paralyzed. He received an Aromatouch and improvement started. He is now in a wheel chair and planning on going to college and serving a mission. What a great kid.

David Osmond told his story next of his oldest uncles born without the ability to hear. The Osmonds first dollars in entertainment went to save up for hearing aids for their deaf brothers. The mom started the Childrens Miracle Network. His dad has MS and he also got it. He said I may have MS but MS does not have me. He told of how his wife had a toe fungus that would not go away...until she tried doTERRA essential oils. He also told of how his MS started up when he was coming home from Japan. Dr Hill gave him some DDR Prime and within a short time he was back to normal and walking again. He shared one of the best quotes, "Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can". Also, As a man thinketh so is he. What a packed and emotional morning with guest speakers!

The afternoon started with Brianne Hovey who told a story about how she heard noises while camping and thought it was a bear and that she was going to die. Turned out to be chipmunks. Her presentation was about Faith not fear. She told of how her mom died of cancer when she was younger. She told of how we need to wake up now and live our dreams and not wait until we get cancer. Her son had severe asthma. He has not needed a single steroid since they opened up the breathe bottle. She got a call from Allyse Sedivy and after thinking about it for 20 mins decided to jump in. Last quote was if you change nothing, nothing will change.

Laura Jacobs was the next speaker and she spoke about the Truth with Candida. You have to watch this video here.

After her amazing presentation the singer Nathen Pacheco came out and knocked everyones socks off.  Listen to this song and the story of why he takes his doTERRA Lifelong Vitality. 

Eric Larsen, Master IPC, spoke next and gave us two invitations. Share with others and make 2 contacts a day and be relevant in someone else's life. He shared two testimonial videos that were sweet. See them below. 

To close the convention Dr Hill took us all to where the Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint comes from in the essential oils. See those video below. 

What an amazing convention. You cannot convey the feelings of being there and experiencing the convention with thousands of other like minded people. If you missed it I hope this helps get you some info. Make sure you make plans for next years Convention at Oct 2-4 2013. Also, doTERRA is coming to you. Make sure you make plans to attend one of the tour dates below. We have a responsibility to share this with the world and help thousands of people whose lives will be changed with the products and the business opportunity.

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