Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last day of Convention

Last day of Convention

The last day of convention started off with guest speaker Kyle Maynard. What an inspirational story.  He was born without arms and legs and became a champion wrestler and motivational speaker. He climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa by crawling to the top. He has a book called No Excuses. His first year of wrestling he lost every game and did not like it. His dad talked him into doing it his second year and that is when he starting winning matches. He urged us to find our why and go for it. "Not dead; cant quit" was one of the things he thought while climbing Kilimanjaro. He ended by challenging us to engage and have no excuses.

After Kyle Maynard they had the slim and sassy weight loss competition winners come out. One was Daren Gates who lost 50 lbs and 23.75 inches. The winners used slim and sassy every day and used the trim shakes everyday. Amazing stories.

The healing hands foundation is focused on helping give people a hand up and not a hand out. They have partnered with Mentors International in helping give micro loans to people in Piura Peru. See the video below.

Greg Cook spoke of how they received a hand up when the founders had to mortgage their homes to start the company and risk everything. They have since paid back all their debt from starting up but they could not have done it without the help of the starting loan. Greg reminds us all to give while we are building a business.

Corey Lindley then came out to give this years Elevation Award to Wesley Green. A young man that was in a terrible accident that should have left him paralyzed. He received an Aromatouch and improvement started. He is now in a wheel chair and planning on going to college and serving a mission. What a great kid.

David Osmond told his story next of his oldest uncles born without the ability to hear. The Osmonds first dollars in entertainment went to save up for hearing aids for their deaf brothers. The mom started the Childrens Miracle Network. His dad has MS and he also got it. He said I may have MS but MS does not have me. He told of how his wife had a toe fungus that would not go away...until she tried doTERRA essential oils. He also told of how his MS started up when he was coming home from Japan. Dr Hill gave him some DDR Prime and within a short time he was back to normal and walking again. He shared one of the best quotes, "Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can". Also, As a man thinketh so is he. What a packed and emotional morning with guest speakers!

The afternoon started with Brianne Hovey who told a story about how she heard noises while camping and thought it was a bear and that she was going to die. Turned out to be chipmunks. Her presentation was about Faith not fear. She told of how her mom died of cancer when she was younger. She told of how we need to wake up now and live our dreams and not wait until we get cancer. Her son had severe asthma. He has not needed a single steroid since they opened up the breathe bottle. She got a call from Allyse Sedivy and after thinking about it for 20 mins decided to jump in. Last quote was if you change nothing, nothing will change.

Laura Jacobs was the next speaker and she spoke about the Truth with Candida. You have to watch this video here.

After her amazing presentation the singer Nathen Pacheco came out and knocked everyones socks off.  Listen to this song and the story of why he takes his doTERRA Lifelong Vitality. 

Eric Larsen, Master IPC, spoke next and gave us two invitations. Share with others and make 2 contacts a day and be relevant in someone else's life. He shared two testimonial videos that were sweet. See them below. 

To close the convention Dr Hill took us all to where the Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint comes from in the essential oils. See those video below. 

What an amazing convention. You cannot convey the feelings of being there and experiencing the convention with thousands of other like minded people. If you missed it I hope this helps get you some info. Make sure you make plans for next years Convention at Oct 2-4 2013. Also, doTERRA is coming to you. Make sure you make plans to attend one of the tour dates below. We have a responsibility to share this with the world and help thousands of people whose lives will be changed with the products and the business opportunity.

Convention day 2 workshops

Jacob's Convention Recap part 2

The second day of the Convention is dedicated to workshops. You can choose if you want to learn about the business, the company, products, certain health concerns etc... It is a little crazy because if you do not make it to the workshop you want fast enough the room fills up and then you have to find another workshop to watch...like Chemistry 101 with Robert Pappas. (ugh)

Before the workshops there was an amazing speaker named Natalyn Lewis. She did  a great job. These are two of her slides I really liked. She told about a story of how she wanted to help a family that last their mother and wife. They wanted to paint one of the rooms. The house was a mess, but they decided to do it anyway. People kept hearing about it and knocking on the door while they were there unknown to the family. In the end the entire home was redone with carpet, paint, furniture, bathroom, etc.. Everything was new! The bald guy in a leather jacket got mad when Natalyn told him thanks for all he did. He told her, this is all because of your idea and your first steps. Our ideas and first steps can really change the world. Others will see and join the cause.

David Stirling said this quote (above) is on all the founding execs desks.

I chose to first attend the class about how to use the oils with pregnancy, birth, and babies. The woman that taught is named Stephanie Fritz and I recommend you buy her book on Amazon.

Here are some of her slides. This is only some of the info, there is much more in her book.

What I learned from someone else that attended the Essential Oil Chemistry 101 class with Dr Robert Pappas is that citrus oils last only about a year, but woody ones get better the older they are. Also you can microwave oils and they are not affected.

I attended a workshop after lunch with Patrick Sedivy and Brady Thurgood about effecting recruiting and lead generation.  They recommended multiple exposures for people to learn about doTERRA. Some ideas are to give them an A-Z guide with some samples, have them listen to a recorded call (951-262-3794 ext 89), give them a doTERRA living Magazine, give them the Miracle book, then invite them to a class with the empower kit script. Use your upline always to help get the order.

They taught to always ask for referrals. Who do you know that...

  1. is interested in natural medicine
  2. has (insert an ailment)
  3. could benefit with some additional income
  4. wants to help people take control of their health?
Always look for opportunities to meet new people. Open your mouth, be fun, use the products in public.

The next class I went to was Boyd Truman's Detox and Restore class. It was packed with information. The first point was the ENZYMES are required by every living cell and every function. We need to have healthy enzymes. We have much less today than when we were born and we are meant to get them from plants everyday, but we do not. At age 70 we have 100 times less than when we were born.

Their family uses oils everyday in every way.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) is when the nerve endings need enzymes.

Kids need it too. Kids with skin rash have had it go away in only 7 days taking the Terrazyme. I take it everyday. What I didnt know is that I should also take it on an empty stomach occasionally.

Some have a fatty liver from fatty foods, glucose, meds, alcohol. Psoriasis and other skin disorders are your body's way of telling you something is wrong on the inside.  The Zendocrine blend is a must for everyone to make sure the liver and kidneys function as they should. A man in the room stood up and told us that he is the highest functioning patient at the University of Utah Medical Center that has PSC. He used frankincense and geranium and avoided surgery and his stints fell out.

Issues with Candida, yeast, fungus should take GX Assist, but start small. It is a strong product. Laura Jacobs talks more about this in her video.

Brianne Hovey taught a class about what to make sure people do in their first 7 days.

  1. Purchase Products (from sponsor) and Tools (my oil business.com)
  2. Make a list
  3. Give out 30-50 samples in first 30 days and follow up in 2 days to make sure they used it and to find out how their results were. 
  4. Schedule a class
  5. Watch getting started, medicine cabinet, and empower videos on www.reinventhealthcareinfo.com
  6. Commit
  7. Set goals with upline
  8. Set up 3 way calls
  9. Talk with upline 1-5x a week
If someone does this they will become Elite. 

Brianne also said that in first 60 days they should do the following
  1. Hold 1-2 classes/wk
  2. Follow up with samples passed out
  3. Teach getting started to new people in their first week
  4. 4 Class Rule - They start their own class by the 4th one.
  5. Watch at least 2 new product/business webinars/week
  6. Define road blocks
  7. Set Goals
  8. Upline calls and 3 way calls
  9. Be prepared with oils that you can pass out at any given time
The last class I attended was about international business with Greg Cook and David Hsiung. Greg talked about the 3 stages in doing business in international markets. 
  1. Global Access (set them up as a US IPC and ship them their products ourselves)
  2. NFR (Not for resale - Guatemala, Costa Rica, EU, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tahiti)
  3. OTG (On the ground) - US, Taiwan, Japan, and Australia

David had some really insightful and funny things to say. Mostly what not to do if you are trying to open a new country. This were his slides. 

All in all it was a great day and I have heard very good things about all the other classes from others. Many told me about the class about hormones that was taught by Laura Jacobs and Jon Chase. I also heard from many about the class on Living with Vitality from Dr Tory Parker. This is a valuable resource and benefit to coming to Convention.

Engage Convention 2012, want to hear what happened?

Engage Convention Recap from the first day

Thursday morning it started with David Stirling, President, saying a few words. The highlight of his comments was the video below where he announces construction of a new campus.

Read about it here or watch the video below. http://www.doterraeveryday.com/newhq/ 

The next speaker was Corey Lindley, CFO. He had some really good things to say about the retention doTERRA has and how doTERRA will be a $1B company by 2015. He also told how around 42% of the profit from the company goes towards inventory.  

He also spoke how the founders club is available in all areas but the USA and Australia.

The next speaker was Greg Cook. He introduced the international team. The segway to him was Corey Lindley introducing a direct sales legend named Bamba. He also introduced the international support team.

Then it was time for Rob Young to show us the new products. The new hair care products look very improved. They added a glaze and a root to tip serum also. They have a special oil blend for the scalp.

Salon Essentials Protecting ShampooWild Orange and Lime

dōTERRA Salon Essentials Protecting Shampoo is a professional formula with an invigorating complex of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, gentle cleansers, and botanical extracts that provide antioxidant protection against UV damage that causes fading in color-treated hair. A unique combination of plant extracts along with wild orange and lime essential oils provide gentle lathering and a cleansing boost to remove impurities collected on the hair and scalp. Light moisturizers leave hair salon soft and touchable.

8.34 oz/250 ml  Item code: 36220001  US $26.00 Retail 
Click here to view product information page.
Salon Essentials Smoothing Conditioner Blend for Healthy Hair and Scalp

dōTERRA Salon Essentials Protecting Conditioner is a professional formula of conditioning emollients, botanical extracts, and natural proteins that leave hair luminous and healthy. It also includes a proprietary blend of CPTG essential oils specifically selected to stimulate the scalp and bring hair to life. Other natural ingredients seal and protect hair cuticles against water penetration to the hair shaft. Nanotechnology smoothes hair and provides an anti-static effect that keeps hair shafts aligned during styling for a smooth, finished look.

8.34 oz/250 ml 

Item code: 36230001 

US $30.67 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

Healthy Hold GlazeBlend for Healthy Hair and Scalp with Tangerine

dōTERRA Salon Essentials Healthy Hold Glaze is an all-in-one flexible-hold styling aid that protects, nourishes, and fortifies hair for optimal health and shine. Hair will not only benefit from thermal protection, but also from protein-rich nanoparticles that work to promote improved moisture and softness. A light hold offers perfect support for beautifully styled hair.

4oz/120 ml 

Item code: 36270001 

US $24.00 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

Root to Tip Serum Blend for Healthy Hair and Scalp

dōTERRA Salon Essentials Root to Tip Serum is a salon professional formula infused with essential oils and protective lipids to provide a healthy environment for the scalp and hair. The carefully chosen CPTG essential oils of lavender, peppermint, marjoram, cedar wood, lavandin, rosemary, niaouli, and eucalyptus combine to maximize overall healthy hair and scalp. This powerful, lightweight serum provides extended protection and moisture without weighing hair down or leaving an oily residue.

30 ml 

Item code: 36210001 

US $46.67 Retail
Click here to view product information page.
The DDR Prime was not announced till Dr David Hill got up next, but this is the most amazing product of the convention. This is the product that incorporates what everyone should be taking everyday. Oils like Frankincense, Clove, Lemongrass, etc..You can get it in a capsule or oil form. I am stoked for the capsule form since I was having to put oils in a capsule everyday before. Now I can just swallow already made capsules. And to make it even better they nano encapsulated it for better absorption.

Essential Oil Cellular Complex

dōTERRA’s DDR Prime™ Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils combined to support healthy cell biogenesis, function, and renewal. DDR Prime includes the pure aromatic compounds of frankincense, wild orange, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, and niaouli that have been shown in cli

nical studies to support cellular health and vitality.*
DDR Prime Cellular Complex 

30 ml bottle 
Item code: 41510001 
US $73.33 Retail

Click here to view product information page.

Essential Oil Cellular Complex

dōTERRA’s DDR Prime™ Essential Oil Cellular Complex is a proprietary blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils combined to support healthy cell biogenesis, function, and renewal. DDR Prime includes the pure aromatic compounds of frankincense, wild orange, lemongrass, thyme, summer savory, clove, and niaouli that have been shown in cli

nical studies to support cellular health and vitality.*

DDR Prime Cellular Complex 
120 liquid caps 
Item code: 41740001 
US $73.33 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

Energy & Stamina 


dōTERRA’s Mito2Max is a proprietary formula of standardized plant extracts and metabolic cofactors that support healthy cellular energy production. Mito2Max supports optimal mitochondrial function and aerobic capacity, and supports stamina naturally without the use of harmful stimulants. Use Mito2Max as a healthy long-term alternative to caffeinated drinks and

supplements for increased energy and vitality.*

120 Veggie Caps / 30 Day Supply 
Item code: 35310001 
US $39.33 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

The Mito2 Max will be an amazing product for increased energy. I am looking forward to taking it everyday to increase my vo2 max while I run, bike, swim or lift.

 Everyone is very excited about these children vitamin supplements and fish oils. We will be using these everyday with our kids. 

IQ Mega™ 

Omega-3 Fish Oil

dōTERRA IQ Mega™ takes the fishy taste out of fish oil and puts the fresh orange flavor of dōTERRA’s wild orange CPTG essential oil in this great tasting and easy to swallow omega-3 supplement providing 1,000 mg of concentrated, pure omega-3 from fish oil per serving. IQ Mega contains the essential nutrients EPA and DHA to support healthy brain, cardiovascul

ar, immune and joint function.* IQ Mega is formulated to be used daily, by children and adults, with A2Z Chewable.

150 ml (5 fl. oz.) liquid 
Item code: 35320001 
US $46.00 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

 A2Z Chewable 

Strawberry Flavored Dietary Supplement

dōTERRA’s A2Z Chewable is a proprietary formula of ingredients developed for children, or for and adults who have difficulty swallowing capsules. Combining a blend of B vitamins with a blend of vitamins A, C, E, and botanical extracts, A2Z Chewable supports healthy cell development and longevity when taken daily.* A2Z Chewable is formulated to

be used with dōTERRA’s odorless IQ Mega™ Omega-3 fish oil as a comprehensive dietary supplement that supports healthy immunity as well as antioxidant protection.

60 Chewable tablets 
Item code: 45330001 
US $26.00 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

Focus Blend
Amyris, Patchouli, Frankincense, Lime, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood (Hawaiian), Roman Chamomile
InTune is a proprietary blend of essential oils, carefully selected for their ability to enhance focus and support healthy thought processes.* This blend helps those who have difficulty paying attention to stay on task and sustain focus.

10ml Roll On 
Item code: 41840001
 US $46.00 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Piper nigrum

dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade black pepper essential oil is a multi-purpose oil that is extracted from the unripe red fruit of the Piper nigrum plant. A stimulating and highly antioxidant essential oil which has been shown to improve circulation, aid digestive system, as well as help curb urges to smoke, black pepper is also a wonderful flavor

enhancer but a little goes a long way—use sparingly.

5 ml 
Item code: 41040001 

US $29.33 Retail
Click here to view product information page.

                                                                  Cilantro Essential Oil
Coriandrum sativum

dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade cilantro essential oil comes from the leaves of the coriander plant and is a fresh and tasty flavor enhancer used by food connoisseurs. There are also many diverse benefits that may be enjoyed, including digestive, antioxidant and stimulating. 

15 ml 
Item code: 41850001 
US $34.67 Retail
Click hereto view product information page.

These are the new oils and oil blend. The InTune is mainly for focus and ADD /ADHD. The Black pepper and Cilantro have some amazing uses. Cilantro is one of the best products for removing heavy metals from the body. 

 The story of the Hawaiin Sandalwood was told by Emily Wright and we got to see a cool video about how they make the oil and where they source it from. I will try and find the video and add it later.

After lunch I was recognized as a silver and got a sweet little trophy. I will add the picture. There were another 450 others that also became silver since the last convention.

We then got to hear from the Scientific Advisory Board. Dr Robert Pappas shared how the doTERRAs oils cannot be replicated. (Chirality) A new member of the board, Dr Dave Steurer shared some information about using the oils in a medical setting and some good statistics like how 80% of people fear a dentist office and 70% fear a physicians office. The best way to calm those fears is the right aroma (citrus oils).  My notes start to get a little sparse since I lost my notebook that I took all the notes in before convention ended.  I am glad I took some pictures and video though.

 Jennifer Eddins shared the most recent research showing that the bacterias could not grow in the broth that the onguard was put in.  It was a packed day for the first day of convention and there is even more to come in the next two days.

Later that evening was the Awards Gala and my wife and I went together. It was a fun night dressed up having dinner with everyone, watching diamonds go down the red carpet, throwing confetti on them, then dancing after. Here is a video of Daren walking down the red carpet.

And a pic of my beautiful wife and I with confetti. And I may or may have not tried to make a snow angel in confetti. The last picture is with Dave and Tammy Miller our upline Blue Diamonds.