Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Peppermint oil breaks a babys fever

Check out this amazing story about how using peppermint oil broke a baby's fever:

“My sister introduced me to essential oils a few months ago. She told me about how the oils have helped her and her family. At first I didn't know what to think, but I believed what she told me. My daughter had a fever for a couple of days, and I told myself "I'll get the oils after she gets better." Well on the third day her fever got worse. I ordered the introductory kit and picked it up that same day. As soon as I got home I put one drop of peppermint oil on the soles of my daughter's feet and her fever dropped immediately. I applied the peppermint oil on her feet throughout the day whenever her fever would go up. By the end of the day her fever was gone.” - Katie P. from American Fork, Utah

Monday, October 29, 2012

Story shared by EW on Facebook

EW shared this on Facebook. 

I met a woman in Long Beach, and I'd like to share her story. Last November, her husband was told to put his affairs in order. His liver cancer had progressed so much so that the tumors were far too large for surgical removal. He was given six months to live.
She was introduced to the power of frankincense essential oil shortly following the diagnosis. He applied it topically over his liver and under his tongue daily. On their next visit with his physician, they discovered his tumors were miraculously shrinking. They continued using frankincense.
In April, his tumors had shrunk so much so that his physician agreed to surgery. The tumors were removed, taking 3/4 of his liver. Today, he is cancer free and enjoying life with his beautiful wife and family.

This is why I am so passionate about what I do. The intelligence and healing power that exists within one bottle of oil is endless. Trust it, use it, and share it!