Thursday, October 20, 2011

Convention Empower Celebration and Training Conference October 20, 2011

Today was the first day of doTERRA's 3rd annual convention. It was a packed day of impressive information and I wanted to document some of the information that I wrote down and that I remembered.
There were over 3100 people in attendance in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, UT. Last year there were around 1500 in attendance.

New products released were the doTERRA Fennel oil, OnGuard Natural Whitening Toothpaste, Essential Skin Care Hydrating Cream, Clear Skin Topical Blend, Clear Skin Foaming Face Wash, Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex, Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex, and Solace Monthly Essential Oil Blend for Women. See the new doTERRA Product Catalog.

Dr Robert Pappas, PhD,  Essential Oil Chemist, taught how essential oils must have the right odor and the right analysis from a GC/MS test. He mentioned a competitor trying to compare their Frankincense oil with doTERRA's by using a faulty analysis HPLC. This analysis showed that their product has boswellic acid in it. Which has too high of a molecular weight to distill in a gas form so it must be added after the distillation. I don't know what company this is, but sounds like if a company wishes to use chemistry to promote the quality of their product they should know what they are talking about.  The chemist also shared his website

Tonya McBride, RN, and Teresa Sturges, RN shared the Vanderbuilt Hospital Study that was featured on Fox News. Vanderbuilt emergency room receives 102998 visits a year. Their study shows that before the oils 41% said they were stressed out at work. After diffusing the essential oils only 3% said they were. Prior to aromatherapy, 60% of ER staff members were frustrated at work. After the oils, only 6% were frustrated. They have been diffusing them for 15 months without one adverse affect. They also have antimicrobial benefits. 84% of the nurses and doctors in the ER strongly agree that the oils contribute to a more positive work environment. This study will be published in a journal soon and they are working on other studies.

Paul Winterton, MD. Orthopedic Surgery. He diffuses the oils in his exam rooms. He also has a diffuser in each room in his home and his kids have their own box of oils. Sometimes when knee replacements are done an impenetrable barrier is caused by bacteria. Essential oils are the best method to get through this barrier and/or prevent it, since no antibiotics can penetrate it and repeated surgery is usually required if it occurs.

Nicole Stevens, MSc spoke about the research she had done at the University of Utah. She had done Kirby-bauer tests and tube dilution tests. She picked a few oils and the most prevalent bacterias. Cinnamon, Thyme, and Oregano had the best results. Oregano would not only wipe out all bacteria in the culture, it would kill bacteria in other dishes around it. If Oregano oil was diluted 1000 and 5000 times it still wiped out the bacteria. Even at 10,000x it still wiped out 60% of it.

Jennifer Edins, SM(ASCP) shared her research on MRSA bacteria. There is no drug that can stop it. It is resistant to all antibiotics. The OnGuard protective blend not only prevented growth but also killed it.  Study also showed that increasing the amount of oil eventually leveled off and did not provide additional benefits.

We then got to hear from David Osmond, son of Allan Osmond. He sang and shared his amazing story of how he has MS and was in a wheelchair before but can now walk and has been since his wedding day around 4 years ago. He wrote a song that doTERRA is posting on itunes and all proceeds goto help MS called Powerful.

What a packed first day of convention.