Friday, October 7, 2011

Peaceful Child Blend from Deborah G.

I thought this is a very useful blend for many to try and wanted to make sure I had it posted in an easy place for people to see. Please let me know if you have tried it and how it has worked. Once I hear something from someone else I will update this post.

Tips:  Peaceful Child Blend by Deborah G.
"Peaceful Child has helped quite a few other people and I do think that this kind of blend needs to be available to everyone, especially to children with special needs and their maxxed-out parents. There are so many children out there suffering with all kinds of mental disabilities and disorders, such as ADHD, Aspburgers, Tourettes, and Autism (they are all related). The parents of these children also suffer. It is really tough to raise these kinds of children and Peaceful Child helps both the parent and child to cope better."

Peaceful Child
85 drops (1/3 bottle) Vetiver
30 Ylang Ylang
20 Frankincense
15-17 Clary Sage
10 Marjoram
35 Fractionated coconut oil (I added the coconut oil for convenience for parents who need to get this on their children or themselves quickly during a tough moment)

Scent: Warm, deep, rich, soothing, stabilizing, comforting, languid

The oils in this blend are known for helping children cope with:
Hyperactivity, ADHD, emotional trauma, fear, stress, anxiety, behavioral & cognitive disorders; neurological disorders. Calming, soothing, and stabilizing the central nervous system. Creates a deep, languid calm; has sedative properties; frees the nerves from excessive tension allowing a person to spiritually center themselves. Nourishes and protects the brain and nervous system. Restores feelings of hope and mental strength and promotes a positive outlook on life. Eases the pain behind anger and quiets mind chatter."

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