Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Allergies and the help of doTERRA essential oils

This year allergies have seemed to be worse than ever for many people. I was one of them. I started putting doTERRA's Breathe essential oil blend under my nose and diffusing it into the air in the evening when I went to bed. Usually at night I would have a hard time breathing with asthma and wheezing. I would not have been able to make it without the breathe oil blend. I also heard that if you combined five drops of lemon, peppermint, and lavender in a capsule it was a natural antihistamine. So I started doing this and my allergies diminished. There is no way I could have survived allergy season this year without these essential oils unless I did what others had to do and buy expensive synthetic medications that have side effects.

I was also blessed with the opportunity to share these natural allergy remedies with a neighbor who is pregnant. She felt a difference in 24-48 hours and did not have to take a synthetic drug prescription.

Deep Blue Experience with pulled muscles

A friend of mine pulled a muscle in her leg and put doTERRA deep blue essential oil blend on it. She rubbed it on and in not very much time she was not able to tell she had even pulled a muscle. She ran on it shortly after and was worried about re injuring it but it never gave her problems again.

Restless Leg Syndrome Experience

My wifes cousin was having restless leg syndrome. I sent her some samples of doTERRA oregano, basil, and marjoram essential oils. She said she tried them and they worked! She also said that she used the peppermint oil for her kids headaches and the lavender oil for her other kids growing pains.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Deep Blue Experience

One of the young men in my church sprained his ankle last week. I was dropping off information for youth conference and I brought him some deep blue because I knew of his injury after talking to his dad in church the day before. I told him it was a magic potion and to put a few drops on his ankle and massage it in. This morning he called me back and told me that it is gone and asked for more. He told me it has been helping his ankle feel better. How awesome is that? Nothing is better than helping someone. I am going to bring him a little more later today, but I had to document this first.