Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Allergies and the help of doTERRA essential oils

This year allergies have seemed to be worse than ever for many people. I was one of them. I started putting doTERRA's Breathe essential oil blend under my nose and diffusing it into the air in the evening when I went to bed. Usually at night I would have a hard time breathing with asthma and wheezing. I would not have been able to make it without the breathe oil blend. I also heard that if you combined five drops of lemon, peppermint, and lavender in a capsule it was a natural antihistamine. So I started doing this and my allergies diminished. There is no way I could have survived allergy season this year without these essential oils unless I did what others had to do and buy expensive synthetic medications that have side effects.

I was also blessed with the opportunity to share these natural allergy remedies with a neighbor who is pregnant. She felt a difference in 24-48 hours and did not have to take a synthetic drug prescription.

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